Monday, June 1, 2009

Needless Necessities

I have no secrets (I'm not that exciting, I guess) so as my dirty laundry was sure to make it''s way onto this blog sooner or later, I won't prolong the inevitable. I have a problem... I can't resist a good deal. This should lend to saving money, but more often than not I get my "LOOK AT HOW MUCH I SAVED" high off of SPENDING money. If we end up buying a crackerjack box of a house, let the record show- it is my fault. I overspend our budget "saving" money.

Today I attended the Wilton Tent sale with my frugal friend, Nicole. WHAT A SALE! Not only did they have Wilton cake stuff, they had Copco and Mario Bertali Cookware, TONS of bakeware, and Scrapbook stuff by Marth Stewart and EK success. The tent was the size of a football field and we money savin' mommas pushed our way through the crowds with all four kids in tow.

It was so much fun, until about 5 minutes before my husband got home and I realize I am going to have to tell him I spent $170 dollars (I KNOW!). He's a nice guy and really quite understanding, but the poor man didn't even know there was a tent sale today. A wise wife would have mentioned it...but I have the memory of a senile turtle at the present time.

He was so gracious; we've been married 8 years- he's been through such days before. Nothing shocks him anymore. His words, "Well, atleast you didn't spend $300." and "it's a new month, you can take it out of Miscellaneous funds." If he gets angry at all about this it'll be 30 days from now when he's closin' the books on June and realizes my "money saving" has caused us to put less money than planned in our house fund. (Yep, has happened more times than not).

My addictions are really so silly. I have often thought I need serious help, but I wonder what people would do if I showed up at a support group. "Hi, my name is Kim. I can't stop drinking Coke (despite the fact that it's making me fat) and I "save" too much money." Still, I know this stuff is a problem; I tend to spend more (and drink more [coke, remember?]) when I am tired or stressed. If my husband didn't make as much money as he does or if I drank tequila instead of coke, I'd need to be admitted to some program. Instead, I have these socially acceptable crutches...making them all the hard to get rid of.

I know it's all a matter of mindset. I have actually given up coke successfully during pregnancy. I can do anything I set my mind to...the question is when and how will I set my mind?

We're trying a new system (Dave Ramsey's inspired me) where we are writing down DAILY what we spend (help avoid the shock to Marc's system at the end of each month). We'll see if it works; I hope so. In the mean time I have three garbage bags full of goodies- new minimuffin pan, anyone?

1 comment:

  1. We should call it the Christian Mom's trifecta of coping: food, wine (coke), spending money.
    It would be nice to channel it into sex, exercise and helping others wouldn't it. Those things just aren't as readily available when we need to decopressed after a two kid meltdown at the grocery store for milk.
