Sunday, June 28, 2009

Weekend Quandary

I love the weekends. Marc is home and we get to be together as a family. Yet, our weekends are usually way too busy, and so we are working on calming down and having more down time together. The problem is that most everything we do is "good". It is hard to know what to say no to and what is most important. The blessing of the curse of Phin being a very difficult baby was that we were forced to say no to most everything and we really just focused on keeping our family sane. It was a very hard time, but in retrospect a very good time for our family bonding. We need to figure out how to preserve some of that for the present and future.

We also need to figure out what is "normal" on the weekends. Because Marc is home, I tend to check out on the weekends in terms of household chores and such. I get off my rhythm and almost always find myself starting the week behind. Perhaps we should divide up domains and have set "responsibilities". He is tired too, after all. I can't expect that he'll do everything when he is home just because I am tired. The problem is that I guess I must expect that on some level because when I look at the home that looks like a tornado went through it, I tend to blame him atleast in my head, even if I know enough not to speak those words aloud.

Maybe it isn't important to keep it together on the weekends, maybe it is more important just to focus on fun. Maybe....but then why do I feel my anxiety rising and find the hairs on my arms standing up when I try to sit down to chill on Sunday evening.

Yes, the weekends are one of my favorite things and yet the bane of my existence all at the same time. They are a puzzle that we need to figure out- though I am glad we can figure it out together. I expect we won't net out at a perfectly kept home on Sunday or a perfectly wrecked one. Hopefully together we'll be able to find the balance of fun and work so that our home is a restful and rejuvenating place for ALL of us! At the very least, I would like someone to be able to stop by unannounced and not be mortified by the condition of our family room...then again does anyone stop by unannounced any more?

P.S. Just for the record, we are totally fine with unexpected guests...buck the system, throw out social expectation and stop by anytime.

1 comment:

  1. Next time we stop by we'll make sure it's unannounced : ). He, he, he
