Saturday, August 15, 2009

"To Be or Not To Be, That is the Question."

Today we spent the entire day just chillin' with good friends. The kids played, the adults chatted, and it felt like we stepped out of life and were able to just "BE". It was nice. There is really nothing like a good friend, is there?

We talked about a wide variety of things, but as I process the day this evening I am reminded at how fortunate we are to have wonderful friends. We don't walk through life alone. I am so thankful that God made us for community with others!

Today on top of just talking and listening, Chloe encouraged me as a mom. She pointed out the joy I experience with my children. I often question myself as a mom. I am proud of myself on some days, but some days I wonder...particularily when it comes to raising Ava. She is so emotional and creative; things that are hard for me to relate to sometimes and I wonder if I am appropriately handling the gift that she is. Today my friend just complemented aspects of my motherhood that I didn't know were "strengths". I could always experience more joy, that is a goal of mine, but I do indeed enjoy my children. I feel so surrendured to this stage of motherhood. I have stressful, overwhelming, frustrated moments, but I AM so happy. To know that this happiness is evident is so encouraging! I hope my kids know I am happy and more than that I hope it impresses on them the joy that I find in Jesus. My children and husband are blessings- I enjoy the blessings Jesus gives me and I am thankful for them! I hope my children also learn to count and enjoy the blessings God so bountifully pours on them and I hope that they live joy-filled lives!

Too often we strive to achieve in life. It is good to have goals and to work to achieve them. Today, however, felt like God gave us a gift. We stepped by from life, all that we had to do today was "be" and it was refreshing and wonderful.

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