Monday, December 15, 2014

Advent Day 15- Candy Cane Day!


Candy Cane day is well established in my kids minds, so it was kind of fun to simply put a picture int the Advent box today.  We get Candy canes after breakfast and lunch and a special candy cane dessert at dinner.   I'd planned a fancier dessert but though I am feeling gobs better, I'm still a little behind in the energy department, so store bought ruled the day.

Who knew Betty Crocker does candy cane cookies...I don't know if I've every purchased box cookie mix.  The upside is is makes a really small batch;)

My kiddos really don't like peppermint (lol;)  So we have multiple kinds of candy canes to chose from much to their obvious delight!

All the extra's get added to the tree;)

Every Monday we have Milkshake Monday on the way to swimming lessons (Steak and Shake Happy Hour- half off milk shakes every day from 2-5 people;).  Today was no different, except I ordered them all candy cane chocolate chip milk shakes.  They are YUMMY...and quite like a shamrock shake with chocolate chips for all you Shamrock diehards!

And yes...we always, read The Legend of the Candy Cane;)

and yes for anyone keeping track, I just officially caught up on Advent blogging and I am patting myself on my to catch up on my laundry!

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