Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Birthday Party for Jesus

If you read my previous posts, you know we moved Christmas up a day due to Christmas travel plans.  On the "actual" Christmas Eve, we spent the night with my parents before flying to Philly on Christmas day for visits with Marc's family.  It was celebration, after celebration, after celebration;)

On Christmas Eve (the actual one) we had a Birthday Pary for Jesus with my parents and my niece Jordan.  I couldn't find the words to express how special it was- my kids had a blast.  My parents and Jordan were amazing at making it perfectly geared towards my children.  It completely felt like a birthday celebration.  It was just plain fun.  My heart is still gushing just thinking about it...

 Ava and Jordan Decorating the Cake
 "Happy Birthday Jesus" written by Ava (can I just tell you how much I LOVE the backwards J and S....and I am pretty sure Jesus smiled at it too!)
 The writing wasn't sufficient so they kept decorating....

 Thank God I took a picture of the writing right away, by the time Ava finished sprinkling...the writing was completely obscured;)

My mom actually does decorate cakes and since I was itty bitty, every time she was decorating cakes, she'd call us into the kitchen and decorate a "rose" on our finger tips purely for our delight and consumption.
The rose on my pointer finger (yes, she still decorates my finger- somethings you just never out grow;)

 Chloe had her first rose bud experience...and no surprise it didn't stay on her finger tip very long;)  Yummy

Before blowing out candles, the kids opened a gift.  We had wrapped up their musical instuments (meaning ones we already owned) and they opened them up.  We used them to sing "Happy Birthday" and a slew of other sings glorifying the Guest of Honor. 

A sample...sorry I am singing RIGHT into the camera...oops:)  (Still you get a taste of our joy;)

 We had blowers


a banner;)

We all blew out the candles together.

Could there be any birthday more precious than that of our precious Jesus?


  1. love it Kimmy! I'm just sad that we didn't get to celebrate with you this year...well, next year should be fun for sure! Love you sister!

  2. LOVE IT!!!!! I love hearing you sing! I love seeing your mom as the "Little drummer girl", the baby with the maracas - everyone participating! I'm stealing this next year!

    Michelle Stockman-Carroll
