Saturday, June 2, 2012

Our Little Tattler

She looks sweet and innocent, doesn't she?  She's A.Dorable, for sure, but she is a trouble maker through and through.

Ava started tattling regularly about 4.  We had to use creative techniques to curb the behavior.  Phin didn't bother tattling, he would just pop 'em a good one and move on.  We had to teach him to use words.

Chloe is not even two and she has tattling down to a fine art.  I cannot tell you the countless times she waddles up to me saying, "Mama! Mama!  Pinyas 'it my weg"  (that is Chloe for "Phineas hit my leg") or "pinyas touch me".  Sometimes it's accurate other times, it is a complete fabrication.  Last week, they were both strapped in car seats and I spent a ten minute ride listening to nonstop "Mama! Mama!'s" followed by something Phineas did- like touch her, hit her, push her, etc.  He simultaneously is saying, "I did not.  Mommy, I did not do that."  I would have been comical if it wasn't so loud!

Last night, however, topped the cake.  Miss Mischief woke at 1am and would not stop calling for Marc.   She wasn't crying she was adamantly calling, "Papa!Papa!" and even throwing in an "I need you!".  It was the middle of the night- she was acting like it was morning.  Marc finally rolled out of bed, after we both realized she wasn't stopping and we weren't in the middle of a bad dream.  Marc walked in her room and said, "What do you need, Chloe?"  to which she promptly replied, "pinyas 'it my arm".  Marc stuck her pacifier in her mouth and walked out of the room.  It wasn't funny at 1 am.  This morning we laughed hysterically.  AYE!  We have our hands full with this one!

1 comment:

  1. mom and papa told me about this post....too funny!!full of personality, that little Coco!! :)Karla
