Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Today was another good day.  Our bio kids are all struggling a bit.  We let Ava stay home from school so we could just have time as a family, I hope it helped.  She is acting just weird....which equates to annoying cuz she is 7;). It's hard to be patient.  Chloe is whiney.  Phin will be fine and then disappear and we find him hiding by himself kind of moping. The cool thing is as we seek him out he is learning to put words to his feelings more than he has in the past.  I feel like with Chloe and Ava, the summer's difficult move and the behavior that crept up in the chaos prepared us for this.  They both need structure but lots of grace and reassurance.  Both Marc and I have to be very diligent about doling out lots of affection,  the kids seem to really watch and feel sad if we seem to be hugging on Christian,  they all are simultaneously still playing with him and having fun.  It's going well, Marc and I just have to be really diligent and aware at all times.  It's a bit tiring but I really feel like we are being strengthened.  I know we are bring prayed for!

Christian is biting.  How do you handle that when he doesn't speak the language?  Time ins so far aren't working.  He bites both when he is playing and where is frustrated with Chloe.  We taught her to just say "NO" loudly but she told us tonight he bits harder when she says this...it's sort of funny, but not something we want to continue.  He can't apologize yet, so we just keep trying to reinforce that it isn't acceptable.  We might need some advice from other adoptive parents on this one.

I spoke with our director today.  She was very encouraging that indeed all the good we are seeing really is good.  She said there typically isn't a honeymoon period with toddlers, but that we will see an increase in behavior issues and tantrums as he gets more comfortable.  He'll test us more and more.  We'll definitely be watching for it,  I guess right now I am just thankful he is doing so well so we can focus on the kids who are struggling.  He takes a lot of energy cuz he is two and needs us around but I am glad he is pretty happy and snuggly and sleeping fairly well and such.  He does get up at night but no night terrors, which are common in new adoptees.  He calms easily and goes back to bed...I am hoping he'll sleep through the night soon.

He does well in his own bed, as well.  We sit next to him until he falls asleep but we are getting our evenings so I am thankful,  Chloe is having a harder time sleeping than he is right now.  

Thanks for prayers!! Please keep praying.  I am so thankful for them.  Please pray especially as Marc goes back to work next week and we can no longer tag team it during the day...I will be stretched even thinner!  His grace is sufficient for me!

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