Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Journey Officially Begins

Today we completed our preliminary application for the adoption process.   We have had an amazing week processing through stuff with God.  We've felt him almost silent since the fall and have been waiting for the "go", processing through fears, questions, etc.  Last week, my friend Emily posted to my surprise that they had just started the process to adopt their fourth child.  We had already decided on our country, Haiti, but have had some difficulty with what agency to work withfor the process.  Having three biological children is more than some agencies want to deal with, as it requires permission from the Haitian president.  Emily and her husband have adopted their first three domestically so imagine my utter surprise to read they are adopting a 4th internationally...through Haiti.  I was able to dialogue with her over email and explore the agency she is using.  It was like a door flung wide open and God said, "now, go...this is it!"  Tonight, we are filled with unspeakable excitement.

Our journey to parenthood with each of our first three children started with a + on a stick; this journey is starting with an application placed in an envelope.  The anticipation and excitement are the same.  Who is the little one God is preparing for our family?  What will he/she/they look like?  What will their gifts and talents be?  We know this journey is going to be a few bits longer than 9 months, but our hearts have already started to beat in deep, loving anticipation for the next member of our crazy clan.


  1. That's so exciting, Kim! This is amazing - I've been emailing with Emily too because we're thinking about adoption as well. When I started praying about where, I really felt like God was whispering "Haiti, Haiti" to me before I knew about Emily and Scott. We're still super early in the process of deciding, but it's so cool to see this "coincidence" lining up.

  2. Smiling through tears and praying now for the little one---unknown to you but known to God---who will become an "A." I'm so excited for you guys as you step out in obedience, and I'm praying for you, too, as you wait with joyful anticipation. XOXO

  3. So exciting - I can't wait to see what God has in store for you, because He is certainly prepping the way as we type!

  4. Woo Hoo! Welcome aboard... it's an amazing ride!

  5. So happy for you! Can't wait to hear more!

  6. this post just makes me want to cry....what joyful news. I can't wait to meet this amazing little person who will join our family! :) Karla

  7. I saw Karla's forward to you on FB and thought,"Are they gonna adopt?" Oh my goodness--I am SO excited for you guys as you begin this journey. I too, hope to adopt one day. Please keep us posted. I'll be praying for you guys for sure! Yay!! :)

  8. I have been sitting here for long moments, unable to type a reply to you... just thinking about the profoundness of this moment for you and your family. ...The journey ahead ...The great depth the Lord will draw you into. There will be great "ya-hoo!" moments, but many many more silent profound moments of awe. You will feel the heartbeat of the Lord like never before. I guarantee it! Praise the Lord for calling you into this awesome blessing!!
