Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Adoption Update

As some of you know, there has been some speculation of late as the future of Haitian adoptions.  Haiti voted to ratify the Hague convention on 6/11 and the implications of that are unclear.  For more specific information (all the information we know at the moment) you can read our director's blog.

What most people who know have asked me is, "am I anxious?"  In short, no, I am not.  I haven't blogged about it, simply because we don't know what will happen.  There is not much to say short of speculation that can be found in multiple places on the internet.

What I know is that thus far we have done what God has led us to do.  I know God is doing something in my heart and I don't believe that it will not come to fruition.  Is it being overly optimistic?  maybe.  I just know that we have taken steps of obedience to get us where we are.  I can't imagine God closing the door, yet, I know it is possible.  I also know what we have experienced in our hearts and family and our relationship with God to this point is God led.  If the door closes, we know he has purpose in that and will direct our steps from there.  Marc and I both feel that if the door closes, God has something else for us to do in Haiti and will show us at that time.  We feel very called to the children of Haiti and thus far all arrows have pointed at adoption.  But we acknowledge the future is never guaranteed and completely out of our control.  We have complete peace- truly.  We know that the God of the universe DOES know exactly what he has planned for us and we know He will work his purposes in us and through us as he sees fit.  We will wait and watch in expectation.

As this point, we will continue to proceed with our adoption, knowing the risks, because we feel that is where God is telling us to go.  If he changes the course, we will change the course.  Our faith is not in governments or our own abilities, our faith is in a Sovereign God who knows EXACTLY what he is doing.  We know his ways are higher than our ways and we surrender to where ever he takes us.  We hold the future with expectations but with open hands and hearts, trusting him completely for he's promised to guide and lead us.

So today we go and get our biometrics done at immigration, the final step in our "approved" to adopt by the goverment step....and then we continue waiting and seeing where God leads next.  It's a little fuzzy from our view, but the future is crystal clear to him!

1 comment:

  1. thanx for sharing Kim, great reminder for me today. What is biometrics? See you tomorrow- so excited!
