Sunday, August 23, 2009

What is he thinking?

Phineas was a difficult say the least. He was hard to soothe, unless he was breastfeeding and seemed to hate sleep...or hate for ME to have sleep;) I tried COUNTLESS times to get him to take a pacifier. The kid would NOT take one...and we tried every single kind they carried at Babies R Us (you do those sort of things when you are desperate...).

It was also very difficult to get him to take a bottle. We spent a fortune trying every single kind we could find...even the ones that look like a boob. Finally we tried a laytex nipple with the cheap playtex bottles...apparently it mimicked skin cuz he would take this one with a little proding. Eventually he realized bottles were a bit quicker than breasts and he weaned himself from breastfeeding. He now lights up at the sight of his bottle, which is quite adorable.

What he has started to do, however, with his bottles is not so cute. He is treating his bottle as a pacifier. My son finishes his milk and then crawls around with a big ol' bottle hanging from his mouth. He does everything with this crazy bottle hanging from his mouth- it doesn't seem to slow him or his mischief down...but it looks ridiculous. What a crazy kid.


  1. That was the only bottle Rachel would take all those many years ago - they had pacifiers that were just like those bottle nipples - it was also the only one she would take. She could not pick one of the cute colored or animal shape base pacifiers - she had the big round brown rubber plug in her tiny little face. I always kept two around because if she lost one - we paid big time until another was found. Aunt Judy

  2. Ha! Ha! Gavin does that, too!
