Friday, August 9, 2013

What's going on with our Adoption?

I am asked about our adoption daily.  I so appreciate all the people that support us and are truly rooting for our little boy to be home!

I recieved a "semi update" from our director today.  She emailed me to basically say nothings changed.  We are stuck in passport office and we don't really know why.  Our creche director, Sonia, has been going to the passport office daily to check and see if Christian's passport is printed.  Diana (our agency director) said they are both pulling their hair out with the wait and are sure we are too.  It's true I've been aching to see Christian.  This is the longest I've gone without seeing him since meeting him last October and my heart is a hurtin'.  I had just been praying this morning about making another trip to visit him should we be "stuck" much longer.  I don't think the Lord is directing me to do that quite yet, but just telling us to wait on him.  I pray Christian is home soon!

In the meantime, we are actually busy with new paperwork.  Because we have moved to Illinois, we had to do a bit of sleuthing to figure out what is needed for the US government in relation to our move.  It turns out the government just needs and addendum on our paperwork that says we've moved, but they had a simple statement that made things infinitely more difficult, "just a simple addendum is needed, along with being in line with adoptive procedure in their new state."  It makes sense, of course, but in Illinois, one must be a licensed foster parent to adopt.

We found an amazing local agency thanks to a fellow adoptive mom, that is updating our homestudy for a reduced fee, and RUSHING it so nothing will be slowed in Haiti.  I mean they are not missing a beat in processing things.  It has been amazing how quickly they have met with us, gotten us information we need to obtain, etc.  We have already turned in the majority of our new paperwork (think fifty new signatures, questions, etc;).  We were fingerprinted last Friday.  Our social worker comes to check out our home next Wednesday and a pastoral consultant will meet with us here on Monday.  They have been amazing.  Homestudies usually take about three months, we will likely be completely done in one- AMAZING.  We just have to get new medical physicals, which our scheduled, but not yet completed.  This will also help us in the long run, not only do we need two follow up visits with a social worker,  we hope to readopt Christian in the US so he has a US birth certificate.  Because we are already well on board with this agency, these should be more simple and more simple with a fourth child will be welcome, I am sure.

So we still wait, with a bit to do now in the waiting.  Christian's passport could be issued at any moment...we pray now for Monday!  Join us!  I will be SURE to share the good news when we have it!


  1. Fingerprints, updated physicals, signatures, oh my! Certainly brings back memories of the multiple updates we had to do (not because of moving, of course, but because our fingerprints / home study expired) ... craziness! All that said, we are lifting you in prayer, so anxious to get news that Christian's passport is printed. Guaranteed that you will forget about all of the "politics" in the process once that sweet little boy of yours is home with you! Hugs to you!

  2. Praying, friend... Cannot wait until you bring him HOME!
