Friday, December 16, 2011

Five Question Friday

Yep, I am doing this again.  I just love reading others responses....if you have a blog, link up and do it.  I would LOVE to read your it a Christmas present for me;)

1. What's the best Christmas present you've ever received?
Five years old- a doll.  My sisters and I all got dolls.  My mom made all their clothes and embroidered the fronts with the initials of the "names" we consistently gave ourselves when playing.
I know now my parents were broker than broke.  I believe the dolls she could affords didn't even come with clothes.  It's a great lesson five I had not a clue in the world how tight money was; what I did know what how much I was loved and even then it was so special because my mom put her heart into every stitch.
2. Worst/Funniest White Elephant gift ever received?
I guess this technically isn't a white elephant since it wasn't christmas exchange, but this is my blog, so I suppose there are no rules;) 

WE have a gag gift going with some friends for over 10 years now;)  My BFF's future aunt in law threw her a bridal shower and the gift to the bride was to keep the centerpeice.  An awful PURPLE basket of VERY artificial flowers.   If you knew Annemarie, it would make the story even funnier, but suffice it to say, she pretty much hated the flowers and yet felt like she had to keep them.  Apparently, with time, she realized the aunt would never visit and she wrapped them nicely and gave them to another friend for a housewarming present.  We got them wrapped in floral paper after Marc's shoulder surgery.  I forget all the rounds, but when Annemarie and Greg left Chicago for DC.  We went to Uhaul and got a small size box and carefully packed the flowers inside and packed it with the rest of their boxes in their truck.  Oh we thought they disappeared, until we moved to Sheboygan and we got a package....
They are currently on a shelf in my basement;)

3. Is your Christmas tree plain and simple (white lights and matching ornaments) or is it wild and crazy (colored lights with lots of ornaments collected over the years)?
White lots with lots of ornaments collected....we collect an ornament from every place we visit and the kids get an ornament every year....and now we have quite a few homemade ornament.  It's a hodge podge for sure and I wouldn't have it any other way!
4. "How" do you iron your clothes? The old fashioned iron/ironing board way, the shower, back in the dryer, etc.
She sheepishly grins because the pile of clothes waiting to be ironed is taller than she is...when it gets done it's often by the hubby and is done the old fashioned way, but usually it's only done when one of us wants to wear something from the pile and we iron before wearing.  If this is a requirement for a good homemaker, it is definitely the area I fail miserably in;)
5. How much baking do you do for Christmas and what are your "must make" items? (I'm looking for recipes here, peeps...)
Lots;) Must make
Truffles, chocolate dipper oreos and nutter butters, fudge, cut out cookies, and then whatever else strikes me fance....this year I had the cookie exchange mentioned yesterday and it just might be a new tradition;)

Okay- if you do make me happy and answer these questions can you comment so I KNOW and get a chance to read your answers;)

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