Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Musings

I apologize for the length of time that has passed since my last blog entry. I am grateful to those who read my blog (cuz really it's quite a self serving enterprise;) and I was surprised at just WHO read my blog as I've been getting quite a few "You haven't blogged in a while" comments. Yesterday, my friend Bobbi said, "Kim, Dec. 7, that is your last blog entry; what's up?" Okay- so I am blogging.

The truth is there is good reason that I haven't blogged. The Christmas season is chaos. Every year I say, "we are going to keep the season simple and peaceful" and every year I find it incredibly difficult to do! Since becoming a mom, I feel even MORE determined to make Christmas a time my children remember as a joyful SEASON not just a fun-filled day of presents. I am making efforts to be present with my children from baking to craft making to just playing. I have intentionally cut out the non-essentials- blogging is one of those. In general, I've tried to just be on the computer less. Sure, I have "time" after my kids are in bed, but honestly, being "on" all day and accomplishing all the Christmas "to dos" is exhausting!

We are leaving for Aspen, Co tomorrow. Sounds glamorous, doesn't it? Aspen is beautiful so I am not complaining really, but we've learned traveling over Christmas with small children is just difficult. You can't bring all the presents, it's SO much work to pack and get ready, etc. I think this is the last year we'll do this for a while, even if it means celebrating with Marc's family has to happen a different day. It just isn't "peaceful". Thankfully, we are flying. But even then- with the weather this week I have to pack a carry-on of kid food and such because we have a lay over in Nebraska. The airport in Lincoln apparently has one coffee shop...if we get stuck there because of weather we need to be we have extra clothes, food, diapers, activities ready. My mind is working overtime keeping it all together;)

For the most part our bags are packed and my house is clean. We are hoping to build a snowman this afternoon when Marc gets home. Life is good, it really is. It just takes effort to keep it that way!

Merry Christmas to each of you; I do pray your season has been joyful!

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